This Plane Is Definitely Crashing

"Carebear bumpin in the heart of this here..."

Now that thats out of the way. Im approaching the end of the semester. Exams. Seminar paper. Bar stuff. Laws. Careers. Huzzah. Im feeling wound tighter than I can imagine. Family wise, things are bad again. Like this past summer bad. And that other thing? The one I never talk about here on the blog? Blah. Lets stay away from that ball of nasty.

Anyone watch the Boondocks on sunday on Cartoon Network? Damn funny.

Chicago was a lot of fun, got to see raedy melissa stacey jesse and mike. Good times all around, sans the tornado.

So my favorite professor is there in class, Legal History, good class, blah blah, and hes talking about the emergence of common law, and precedent and such, and says "And, as we all the know, the cure for common law is what?" and gave a very expectant look at the class. He let a good minute go by with no one answering what he thought was a very simple question all lawyers should know before muttering "Ive wasted my life" and continuing on with the lecture. I laughed so hard I cried in class.

Congrats to everyone that deserves know who you are.

I shant be home for thanksgiving, but I shall for xmas.

This was my five minute update.
