This Plane Is Definitely Crashing

New exciting thing in life...

Shark Week starts Sunday.

This is my last week of school. Ever. That blows my mind. And theres not much left of that mind to blow away.

Forewarning, this is a self-indulgent post.

For those of you not aware, I am planning on taking my Bar exam in Indiana. And im planning on being a State's Attorney. As such, I am also planning to be broke. But that comes with the territory. Ive really enjoyed being a prosecutor. It tugs at me now and then, that I have to punish people that in many cases seem like theyve gotten a raw deal and such, but for the most part I feel like its a very fulfilling job. I get to punish the bad guys. I get to see people get their come-uppence (I have NO IDEA how to actually spell that). And its non-stop. On a busy court day I feel like im in the middle of a tornado of paperwork and wheeling and dealing. Its kind of exhilarating. And thats just me in traffic court. Which, in reality, is fairly lame. Im confident that I picked the right career. Well, the right career since Samurai Ninja Pirate doesn't pay all that well. Yeah. Im twelve.

On one hand im anxious to get a job, to get an apartment and whatnot and start real life. On the other hand it seems Like an end. Which is ridiculous, and I realize that. Im about to turn 25, and in my plan to live till im around 300, that is not a long time. And everytime I start something new, it goes well. Going to college went well. Going to law school went well. Still. How grown up im becoming. Doesn't suit me, does it? Though it does feel about time...I dont know if anyone that reads this is even still in school. I feel behind.

Im going to miss my law school friends, but not that much. I feel like most of them will be contacts in my 'network'.

The end of the year seems inconsequential to me now. I have two real exams, and thats it. And while my grades are still important, any job I get will be based on my actual courtroom experience, not my grades. Which takes some pressure off. Im just staring at the bar exam like its some terrible foe waiting in the shadows. Everything revolves around it. I shudder to think of what ill do if I dont pass it. Id be so screwed.

That being said, those of you in the Evansville area shall be treated to my insanity in this summer, and this is my early apology for only being able to talk about Bar Review. Since thats all ill be doing for a month and a half. Gah.

But again, how boring was this post? Lemme end on a positive note. The note that is the thing I am most excited about within the next month.

Graduating Law School? Nope.

My Birthday? No.

I am excited that the Shedd Aquarium has a Komodo Dragon to visit for the next year, and im gonna go see it after finals. Thats right, the highlight of my life is an 8 foot long 120 pound lizard.
